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首页 >>> 海洋船舶工业 AND 图书

内容提要: 本书是一本以大深度载人潜水器设计为背景介绍多学科设计优化理论和可靠性设计理论及其应用的专著。本书以“蛟龙”号深潜器项目为基础...
内容提要: 为集中展示近年来我国船员发展取得的成绩,促进船员事业进一步发展,交通运输部向社会公开发布《2015年中国船员发展报告》。该报告旨在客观介绍...
内容提要: 《客船船员特殊培训知识更新/中华人民共和国海船船员知识更新培训教材》共分五章。第一章为概论,介绍了近年来极其重大的客船事故及对知识更新的...
内容提要: 《向阳红09》调查船于1979年1月5日——3月5日及5月1日——6月3。日期间,在0——北纬5度,东径160度—&mdas...
Tom McNelly.2010-01-01.libgen.
Worlds smallest ocean going yacht boat plan pictures. Total lenght is less than 125 cms or less than 50 inches. Survivor 06 water maker , sun light wa...
Jeom Kee Paik, Anil Kumar Thayamballi.Cambridge University Press.2007-01-01.libgen.
Ship-shaped offshore units are some of the more economical systems for the development of offshore oil and gas, and are often preferred in marginal fi...
Steve Dashew, Linda Dashew.Beowulf Pub Co.2001-01-01.libgen.
Before the advent of satellite navigation, radar and electronic charts, you had to learn the art of seamanship through experience, bo...
D. Vassalos, M. Hamamoto, D. Molyneux, A. Papanikolaou.Elsevier Science Publisher.2000-01-01.libgen.
Widely publicised disasters serve as a reminder to the maritime profession of the eminent need for enhancing safety cost-effectively and as a strong i...
Kentley E..DK.1992-01-01.libgen.
This superb collection of specially commissioned photographs tells the fascinating story of how and why boats, rafts, and ships have changed over the ...