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Evaluating the ability of macroalgae to create a chemical refuge for bivalves under ocean acidification conditions in closed-environment experiments
作者 :  Leal, Pablo P.; Uribe, Daniela; Henriquez-Antipa, Luis A.; Jimenez, Carolina; Hormazabal, Luna; Cascales, Emma-Karin

Ocean acidification (OA) can impact aquaculture because reduced pH may negatively affect the calcification in bivalve species. Photosynthetic activity can naturally generate an OA buffering effect, favouring the calcification process by increasing the surrounding seawater pH. Therefore, the incorporation of macroalgae into bivalve farms may be a strategy to mitigate the impacts of acidification on the industry. In this study, we evaluated the modification of seawater chemistry by the metabolic activity of the blue mussel Mytilus chilensis and three macroalgae (Ulva sp., Chondracanthus chamissoi and Macrocystis pyrifera), in monocultures and co-cultures under ambient and acidified initial conditions in three closed-environment experiments. In all three experiments, photosynthesis and respiration modulated seawater chemistry, resulting in higher values of pH, oxygen concentrations, and aragonite saturation state (Omega(Ara)) in macroalgal monocultures compared to mussel monoculture. In co-cultures, pH, oxygen concentrations and Omega(Ara) were higher than in mussel monoculture but lower than in macroalgal monoculture. In co-cultures, the OA buffering effect (pH > 7.7, Omega(Ara) > 1) was observed during daytime, but unfavourable conditions for calcification were observed during nighttime. These results are species-specific, with a greater capacity for pH increase for Ulva sp. and Ch. chamissoi and limited capacity for M. pyrifera in both initial pH treatments. Results of the enclosed environment experiments indicate that the presence of macroalgae in co-cultures did not guarantee favourable conditions for mussel calcification in acidified conditions.

关 键 词 :  Aquaculture; Photosynthesis; Reduced pH; Seaweeds; Shellfish
语种 :  英文
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋科学研究
>>> 海洋科学研究 >>> 海洋基础科学研究
>>> 海洋渔业
>>> 海水利用业
>>> 海洋渔业 >>> 海水养殖
入库时间 :  2024-03-11
浏览次数 :  2