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报告作者 :  Gary L. Beardsley; T. J. Costello; Gary E. Davis; Albert C. Jones; David C. Si
出 版 者 :  Gary L. Beardsley; T. J. Costello;Gary E. Davis; Albert C. Jones; David C. Si
出版时间 :  0000-00-00
来源信息 :  Gary L. Beardsley; T. J. Costello;Gary E. Davis; Albert C. Jones; David C. Si.0000-00-00,共7页。
全文获取: 您还未登录/注册,全文获取受限,请右上角QQ直接登录

t: The Florida spiny lobster fishery is faced with declining catch rates resulting from increasing fishing pressure by commercial and recreational fishermen. Conflicts between users have developed and economic returns, at least to the commercial fishery, are not optimal. Management action is suggested. Phase 1 of a management program should allocate the resource in an effective manner between r ........

关 键 词 :  fishery; fish; lobster; statistics
自动关键词 :  龙虾; fishery; 水产业; 佛罗里达; fish; 01鱼类
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋信息服务业
>>> 海洋科学研究
>>> 海洋渔业
入库时间 :  2021-05-31
浏览次数 :  8