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Implementation of Environmental DNA (eDNA) as a Tool for EcosystemBased Fisheries Management[实施环境DNA(eDNA)作为基于生态系统的渔业管理工具]
报告作者 :  U.S. Department of Commerce
出 版 者 :  U.S. Department of Commerce
出版时间 :  2020-01-01
来源信息 :  U.S. Department of Commerce.2020-01-01,共50页。
全文获取: 您还未登录/注册,全文获取受限,请右上角QQ直接登录

Fish Stock Assessment Challenges Traditional fish stock survey methods have not changed much over the last century, urging the need for improvement and innovation. The fish stock assessment field, however, is conservative and consequently reticent to accept new methods for which no vetted standard exists. Despite this, external pressures are forcing the field in new directions that accommodate ........

关 键 词 :  fish; mesopelagic; krill; trawl; plankton; ecosystem; climate change; gelatinous zooplankton
自动关键词 :  渔业管理; iron; 铁元素; fish; 01鱼类; 生态系统
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋科学研究
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入库时间 :  2021-05-31
浏览次数 :  4