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Heal the Ocean: Solutions for Saving Our Seas[治愈海洋:拯救海洋的解决方案]
作者 :  Rod Fujita
关键词 :  oceans; global warming
自动关键词 :  deep sea; 深海; fish; 01鱼类; port; 港口; ecosystem; 生态系统
出版时间 :  2003-01-01
出版单位 :  New Society Publishers
摘要 : 

In "Heal the Ocean", Rod Fujita details the catastrophic state of our oceans as a result of global warming, overfishing, pollution, deep sea mining, military interests, and poor land use. More importantly, he describes the many ways that we can work together to protect and restore ocean ecosystems. As somebody who loves the ocean but has never before taken a marine biology course, I appreciate Fujita's accessible writing style. Thank you, Rod Fujita, for this educational and inspiring book.

页码 :  241
价格 : 
ISBN :  0865715009,9780865715004
全文文种 :  英文
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所属领域 :  >>> 海洋地质勘查业
>>> 海洋环境保护业 >>> 海洋生态修复
>>> 海洋环境保护业 >>> 海洋环境治理
入库时间 :  2019-12-20
浏览次数 :  6