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Scotland’s First Thermolicer to Help Combat Sea Lice
信息来源 :  thefishsite,2016-07-19

SCOTLAND, UK - As part of an on-going initiative to develop and use natural solutions to control sea lice, Scottish Sea Farms has invested over £4 million in purchasing Scotland’s first innovative Thermolicer machine.

The Thermolicer is a machine that uses zero chemicals in the treatment of sea lice. The lice have a low tolerance for changes in temperature and the ne ........

关键词 :  fish; salmon; iron; temperature; sustainability; water temperature
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋设备制造业 >>> 海洋渔业专用设备制造
>>> 海洋渔业 >>> 海洋渔业服务
所属地域 :  → 欧洲 → 英国
语种 :  英文
入库时间 :  2016-07-24
浏览次数 :  21