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Flanges for internationally unified connections for the disposal of oil residues
标准编号 :  DIN 86285-1987
标准状态 :  现行
标准组织 :  DE-DIN(德国标准化学会)
发布日期 :  1987-01-01
CCS分类号 :  U55
ICS分类号 :  23.040.60
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A special flange which is internationally unified and not likely to be used erroneously is specified in this standard. It serves as a connection from the pipeline for the oil residues tank to the receiving pipeline on shore, being in accordance with MARPOL convention. For ND 40 up to ND 125, flanges with six different centre holes are indicated. Moreover, the standard implies statements for a suit ........

关 键 词 :  近海建设工程; 尺寸; 法兰; 船用管道系统; 造船; 水路运输工程部件; 污染控制; 海洋污染; 石油污染; 海船; 石油; 规范(审批); 油料搬运; 材料; Dimensions; Flanges; Marine pipewo
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋环境保护业
>>> 海洋船舶工业
>>> 海洋贸易
>>> 滨海旅游业
>>> 海洋交通运输业 >>> 海底管道运输
入库时间 :  2015-05-18
浏览次数 :  8