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US Judge to Rule on Deepwater Horizon Penalty
信息来源 :  worldmaritimenews,2015-01-21
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The final phase of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill trial began on Tuesday, January 20th which will see New Orleans District judge determine the amount of the fine that oil giant BP should pay.

The 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster unleashed 3.19 million bbl. of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, according to a recent ruling by US District Judge Carl Barbie ........

关键词 :  iron; Gulf of Mexico; ecosystem
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋环境保护业 >>> 海洋生态修复 >>> 海洋污染生态修复
所属地域 :  → 北美洲 → 美国
语种 :  英文
入库时间 :  2015-01-23
浏览次数 :  23