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Three-dimensional sea cucumber sun-shading reef, has wave-shaped bottom layer net connected with two middle frames by ceramic lead, where wave-shaped bottom layer net is fixed with binding connecting ring.
专 利 号 :  CN103518648-A
发 明 人 :  HOU S; TAN L
关 键 词 :  sea cucumber; ROV; 无人有缆水下机器人
公 开 日 :  2014-01-22
国际分类 :  A01K-061/00
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新颖性:The reef has upper and lower frames arranged parallel to each other. The lower frame is provided with a wave-shaped bottom layer net and an upper layer net. The upper frame is fixed with the upper layer net and the wave-shaped bottom layer net. The upper layer net is arranged parallel to the wave-shaped bottom layer net. The wave-shaped bottom layer net is connected with two mid ........

语种 :  中简
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋渔业 >>> 海水养殖
>>> 涉海产品及材料制造业 >>> 海洋药物原药制造 >>> 其他海洋药物原药制造
入库时间 :  2014-05-21
浏览次数 :  7