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Young abalone bait feeding method involves placing bait carrier plate for second batch into breeding pool for continuously culturing prior to young abalone feeding period is finished after second batch separation.
专 利 号 :  CN103535297-A
发 明 人 :  BIAN D; LIU G
关 键 词 :  juvenile; 稚贝; overlap; 叠幅
公 开 日 :  2014-01-29
国际分类 :  A01K-061/00
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新颖性:The young abalone bait feeding method involves an initial batch cultivation in the cultivating pond bait carrier plate (4). A juvenile abalone culture tank is used in culturing the first batch of young abalone bait (6) for 20 to 25 days from the upper carrier plate. The bait is subjected to grafting process before the primary and secondary batches of bait are staggered and overl ........

语种 :  中简
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋渔业 >>> 海水养殖
>>> 海洋地质勘查业 >>> 海洋基础地质勘查
入库时间 :  2014-05-21
浏览次数 :  14