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Artificial breeding of ocean sunfish by determining feeding environment conditions, cleaning and sterilizing pond, introducing fresh water and Chlorella liquid to pond, providing bait to fish fries and controlling pond water quality.
专 利 号 :  CN103430893-A
发 明 人 :  LIANG L; WENG W
关 键 词 :  ROV; 无人有缆水下机器人; juvenile; 稚贝; PSB; artificial breeding; 人工育苗
公 开 日 :  2013-12-11
国际分类 :  A01K-061/00
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新颖性:Artificial breeding of ocean sunfish, by selecting rectangular pond, maintaining dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity, water temperature and illumination intensity, sterilizing the pond, air drying pond, adding fresh water, Chlorella liquid and concentrated marine yeast to the pond, installing micro-inflator, maintaining eggs laying density, performing feeding management, al ........

语种 :  中简
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋渔业 >>> 海水养殖
入库时间 :  2014-05-21
浏览次数 :  18