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首页 >>> 海水养殖 AND 图书

R. N. Gibson; R. J. A. Atkinson; J. D. M. Gordon.Florida:CRC Press.2008-06-02.知网.
Use, Abuse, Misconceptions and Insights from Quota Models- The Droop Cell Quota Model 40 Years on. Effects of Benthic Algae on the Replenishment of Co...
Milton Fingerman;R. Nagabhushanam.Florida:CRC Press.2000-01-03.知网.
Spore and Sporeling Production in the Development of Aquaculture Systems for Species of Gracilaria and Related Seaweeds: Stephen G. Nelson and Edward ...
David House.Routledge.2014-07-08.知网.
An influential guide to maritime emergencies and the current strategies that can be employed to cope with the immediate after effects and ramification...
Larry McEdward.美国佛罗里达:CRC Press.1995-05-15.知网.
Preface Pattern and Diversity in Reproduction and Development, L.A. Levin and T.S. Bridges Variation in Size, Energy Content, and Biochemical Compos...
Andres Hugo Arias; Sandra Elizabeth Botte.CRC Press.2021-06-30.知网.
GENERAL POLLUTION IN COASTAL AND DEEP OCEAN ENVIRONMENTS Black Tides: Petroleum in the Ocean Alfonso Vazquez-Botello, Guadalupe Ponce-Velez, Lui...
吴琴瑟;梁华芳.出版发行 : 北京:中国农业出版社.2012-03-01.读秀.
内容提要: 本书较系统、全面阐述了规模化南美白对虾养殖,从种苗至养成、饲料生产、病害防治等各个环节操作要求,都实行无公害绿色养殖技术,按照国际食品...
内容提要: 本书收集了国内外大量文献资料,重点介绍了海水养殖基础知识,海水鱼、虾、贝、藻等主要养殖种类的生物学特征、人工育苗技术等。
内容提要: 全国高等农业院校教材 高等农林院校十五规划教材 水产养殖专业用:本书共十四章,分别阐述了天然水的主要理化性质、天然水的主要离子、溶解气体、...