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首页 >>> 海洋交通运输业 AND 图书

Christian Bueger;Timothy Edmunds;Robert McCabe.Springer International Publishing;Palgrave Macmillan.2021-01-06.libgen.
This book studies recent attempts to restructure maritime security sectors through capacity building. It innovates both theoretically and empirically....
Jean-Loup Samaan;Frederic Grare.Palgrave Macmillan.2022-02-01.libgen.
This book analyses the emergence of the Indian Ocean as security complex and a strategic space of central importance and also looks at its prospective...
Richard B. Allen.Ohio University Press.2014-12-31.b-ok.
Between 1500 and 1850, European traders shipped hundreds of thousands of African, Indian, Malagasy, and Southeast Asian slaves to ports throughout the...
Luiz Bruner de Miranda;Fernando Pinheiro Andutta;Björn Kjerfve;Belmiro Mendes de Castro Filho.Springer Singapore.2017-03-31.libgen.
This book provides an introduction to the complex system functions, variability and human interference in ecosystem between the continent and the ocea...
Sven Klimpel;Thomas Kuhn;Heinz Mehlhorn.Springer International Publishing.2017-02-28.libgen.
The Southern Oceans including Antarctic regions are peculiar and very sensitive water biotopes, where animal life and species interrelations are only ...
George Adamantios Psarros .Springer International Publishing.2017-05-31.libgen.
This book provides practical solutions for addressing energy efficiency as a clause term within a charter party contract. For this, upon a reflection ...
内容提要: 本书在共建21世纪海上丝绸之路的历史背景下,以中国与东盟合海洋合作为研究对象,基于资源禀赋理论、国际政治理论、海洋经济理论、区域合作理论...
Ramasamy Santhanam.Florida:Apple Academic Press.2021-03-31.知网.
This comprehensive volume provides a plethora of first-hand information on the diversity, biology, and ecology of edible marine bivalve molluscs. It c...
Colin B. Munn.Florida:CRC Press.2019-12-23.知网.
The third edition of this bestselling text has been rigorously updated to reflect major new discoveries and concepts since 2011, especially progress d...