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首页 >>> 海水利用业 AND 图书

Maged Marghany.Elsevier.2021-09-20.libgen.
  Nonlinear Ocean Dynamics: Synthetic Aperture Radar delivers the critical tools needed to understand the latest technology surrounding the ra...
内容提要: 本书包括海水观赏鱼的基础知识、海水观赏鱼及装饰用无脊椎动物介绍、海水观赏鱼的饲养设备、海水观赏鱼的饲养管理、海水观赏鱼的营养鱼饵料、海...
Srinivasan Chandrasekaran.Ocean Engineering & Oceanography 5.2015-04-30.libgen.
This book attempts to provide readers with an overall idea of various types of offshore platform geometries. It covers the various environmental loads...
Johannes Falnes;Adi Kurniawan.Cambridge University Press.2020-11-30.libgen.
Understand the interaction between ocean waves and oscillating systems with this useful new edition. With a focus on linear analysis of low-amplitude ...
Sunil Kumar Mishra;Dusmanta Kumar Mohanta;Bhargav Appasani;Ersan Kabalcı.Springer Singapore.2020-12-31.libgen.
This book discusses about the new techniques of power generation control of oscillating water column (OWC) using airflow control and maximum power poi...
R. N. Gibson; R. J. A. Atkinson; J. D. M. Gordon.Florida:CRC Press.2005-06-24.知网.
Ever-increasing interest in oceanography and marine biology and its relevance to global environmental issues creates a demand for authoritative review...
Roy E. Martin; Emily Paine Carter; George J. Flick, Jr.; Lynn M. Davis.美国佛罗里达:CRC Press.2000-04-04.知网.
Comprehensive handbook of seafood information! This definitive reference is the most comprehensive handbook of information ever assembled on foods an...
内容提要: 本书主要介绍了青蟹和三疣梭子蟹围塘养殖的新技术。以无公害健康养殖为立足点,使科学性与实用性相结合,力求做到通俗易懂,实用,深入浅出,图...