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Review on the reproductive biology of the Takifugu genus and its application in sex control
作者 :  Zhao, Cheng; Chu, Peng; Liu, Yuxi; Wang, Sijin; Wang, Tao; Yin, Shaowu

The Takifugu genus is widely distributed in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, around China, Korea, and Japan. Among this genus, some species, such as Takifugu rubripes and Takifugu fasciatus, have thriving and prosperous industries and are cultivated on a large scale in China because of their high economic value and palatability. As gonochoristic fish, the economically important Takifugu species also exhibit distinct sexual dimorphic characteristics. Therefore, mono-sex breeding is of great value to the aquaculture industry. The Takifugu species has a relatively small genome size and diverse breeding behaviors, including migration for breeding and spawning, depending on lunar cycles, making it an ideal model for studying evolution and physiology in teleosts. Investigating the reproductive biology of Takifugu will facilitate their production and provide deeper insights into the reproductive physiology of teleosts. Herein, we systematically reviewed the available literature on the reproductive biology of Takifugu genus, including breeding behavior, sex determination and differentiation, gonad development, and endocrine regulation. Progress in sex control and mono-sex breeding of the Takifugu genus was also summarized and analyzed. This review provides reference information to improve our understanding of Takifugu reproductive biology and lay the foundation for further mono-sex breeding of the economically important Takifugu species.

关 键 词 :  Takifugu; Reproductive biology; Sex control; Mono-sex breeding
论文来源 :  AQUACULTURE.2024,579
语种 :  英文
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋交通运输业
>>> 海水利用业
>>> 海洋管理
入库时间 :  2023-12-06
浏览次数 :  6