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Plate Deformation from Cradle to Grave: Seismic Anisotropy and Deformation at Mid-Ocean Ridges and in the Lowermost Mantle[从摇篮到坟墓的板块变形:大洋中脊和最下部地幔的地震各向异性和变形]
作者 :  Andy Nowacki
关键词 :  大洋中脊; 地幔; 板块变形; oxysphere; global flow
自动关键词 :  大洋中脊; iron; 铁元素; 海底管网; 海上机场
出版时间 :  2013-08-31
出版单位 :  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
摘要 : 

The Earth's rocky mantle convects to lose heat, which comes from the liquid iron core below. The mantle's interfaces - the core-mantle boundary, and the lithosphere - may hold the key to understanding mantle motion because of the seismic anisotropy present in these parts of the Earth.

In this thesis, Andy Nowacki presents a precise but comprehensive review of the current state of the art in studying flow with anisotropy, mineral physics and geodynamics. New measurements of shear wave anisotropy in the lowermost mantle and at mid-ocean ridges are used to constrain mechanisms of creep and melt extraction in the mantle. A model of global flow is used to predict anisotropy in the deep Earth, and novel methods to forward model shear wave splitting are described. Future studies of mantle flow must incorporate the understanding gained in this thesis.

The thesis contains a substantive introduction to the structure of the Earth, seismic anisotropy in general and in the core-mantle boundary region, and mid-ocean ridge processes. It also describes novel methods for forward modelling and interpreting shear wave splitting data. Three chapters present timely research into dynamics at divergent plate boundaries and at the core-mantle boundary.

版本情况 :  1
页码 :  177
价格 : 
ISBN :  9783642348426
全文文种 :  英文
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中图分类 :  O1
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋科学研究
>>> 海洋地质勘查业
入库时间 :  2021-10-28
浏览次数 :  1