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EU fisheries policy – latest developments and future challenges[欧盟渔业政策–最新动态和未来挑战]
报告作者 :  Martín ARANDA; Raúl PRELLEZO; Marina SANTURTÚN
出 版 者 :  Martín ARANDA;Raúl PRELLEZO;Marina SANTURTÚN
出版时间 :  2019-11-01
来源信息 :  Martín ARANDA;Raúl PRELLEZO;Marina SANTURTÚN.2019-11-01,共124页。
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Background Fishing is an economic activity that is intrinsically dependent on the productivity of the marine environment. Maintaining fishing resources at levels that can sustain the fishing activity requires setting long-term goals that may sometimes not be compatible with the short-term interests of the fishing industry. In the EU, the course of the fishing sector is not only influenced by th ........

关 键 词 :  fish; Arctic; the Mediterranean; iron; North Sea; Baltic Sea
自动关键词 :  fish; 01鱼类; Arctic; 北冰洋; the Mediterranean; 地中海; iron; 铁元素
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋科学研究 >>> 海洋基础科学研究
>>> 海洋管理
>>> 海洋科学研究
入库时间 :  2021-05-31
浏览次数 :  9