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A Handbook for Negotiating Fishing Access Agreements[钓鱼准入协议谈判手册]
报告作者 :  Will Martin; Michael Lodge ; John Caddy; Kwame Mfodwo
出 版 者 :  Will Martin; Michael Lodge ;John Caddy; Kwame Mfodwo
出版时间 :  0000-00-00
来源信息 :  Will Martin; Michael Lodge ;John Caddy; Kwame Mfodwo.0000-00-00,共142页。
全文获取: 您还未登录/注册,全文获取受限,请右上角QQ直接登录

 The following Model Fishing Access Handbook is offered by the authors and World Wildlife Fund to coastal States and distant water fishing States interested in the sustainable development and conservation of marine fisheries resources in coastal State exclusive economic zones and adjacent high seas areas. The handbook is intended for use by parties in the negotiation of bilateral and regio ........

关 键 词 :  fish; coastal; economic zone; high seas
自动关键词 :  fish; 01鱼类; coastal; diversity; 多样性; sustainability; 可持续性
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋信息总论
>>> 海洋科学研究
>>> 海洋管理
入库时间 :  2021-05-31
浏览次数 :  11