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Sustainable Water Resources Development in Tamil Nadu, India Through Water Security Pathways[通过水安全途径实现印度泰米尔纳德邦的可持续水资源开发]
报告作者 :  Dr. P.M.Natarajan; Dr. M. Ponnavaiko; Shambhu Kalloikar; Dr. G. Rangaraju; S.Ganesh
出 版 者 :  Dr. P.M.Natarajan; Dr. M. Ponnavaiko; Shambhu Kalloikar;Dr. G. Rangaraju;S.Ganesh
出版时间 :  2017-01-01
来源信息 :  Dr. P.M.Natarajan; Dr. M. Ponnavaiko; Shambhu Kalloikar;Dr. G. Rangaraju;S.Ganesh.2017-01-01,共19页。
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Tamil Nadu is the southernmost state of India, delimited with Indian Ocean on the south, Bay of Bengal in the east and on the west, north and east by Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh states respectively-Figure 1. With the geographical area of 130,058km2 , this state covers 4% of the total area of India, 7% of population and 3% of water resources.Total water resource of Tamil Nadu is 46.52km ........

关 键 词 :  Indian Ocean; Bay of Bengal; Water Security Pathways
自动关键词 :  资源开发; Indian Ocean; 印度洋; Bay of Bengal; 孟加拉湾; 海水比容
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋信息总论
入库时间 :  2021-05-31
浏览次数 :  8