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Exploring the potential for marine aquaculture to contribute to ecosystem services[探索海洋水产养殖为生态系统服务做出贡献的潜力]
报告作者 :  Rebecca R. Gentry; Heidi K. Alleway; Melanie J. Bishop; Chris L. Gillies; Tiffany Waters; Robert Jones
出 版 者 :  Rebecca R. Gentry;Heidi K. Alleway; Melanie J. Bishop; Chris L. Gillies; Tiffany Waters;Robert Jones
出版时间 :  2019-02-13
来源信息 :  Rebecca R. Gentry;Heidi K. Alleway; Melanie J. Bishop; Chris L. Gillies; Tiffany Waters;Robert Jones.2019-02-13,共14页。
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Marine aquaculture is growing quickly and has substantial effects on people and the environment. Existing research has demonstrated that marine aquaculture can contribute to ecosystem service provisioning that extends beyond production of a resource; however, the extent and significance of these goods and services are not well understood. Here we review existing knowledge of ecosystem service p ........

关 键 词 :  ecosystem services; fish; port; iron; bivalve; ecosystem; diversity; kelp
自动关键词 :  海洋水产养殖; ecosystem services; 生态系统服务; 生态系统服务; Aquaculture; 水产养殖
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋环境保护业
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入库时间 :  2021-05-31
浏览次数 :  3