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A white paper on what is possible for the SouthCoast of Massachusetts[关于马萨诸塞州南部海岸可能实现的条件的白皮书]
报告作者 :  Umass; Dartmouth
出 版 者 :  Umass;Dartmouth
出版时间 :  2018-08-21
来源信息 :  Umass;Dartmouth.2018-08-21,共25页。
全文获取: 您还未登录/注册,全文获取受限,请右上角QQ直接登录

As populations migrate toward the ocean in some regions and away from the coastline in others, the prosperity of nations, states, and communities will increasingly depend on their collective ability to balance economic imperatives and environmental constraints. The SouthCoast of Massachusetts has been a hub of marine-related industries since the earliest days of the nation. In the 19th century, ........

关 键 词 :  port; coastline; fish; coastal; iron
自动关键词 :  port; 港口; coastline; 海岸线; coastal; fish; 01鱼类
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入库时间 :  2021-05-28
浏览次数 :  9