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Overview of Desalination Plant Intake Alternatives[海水淡化厂的吸收替代方案概述]
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出版时间 :  2011-06-01
来源信息 :  .2011-06-01,共18页。
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Over 75 % of the US population lives along the coast. Currently, many of our coastal communities are supplied by inland fresh water resources or low-salinity coastal aquifers. Because of the limited availability of these resources and their intensive use over the years, traditional sources of water supply are nearing depletion in many parts of the country, and reliance solely on such resources ........

关 键 词 :  coastal; salinity; ocean floor; iron
自动关键词 :  海水淡化厂; coastal; ocean floor; salinity; 盐度
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋科学研究 >>> 海洋基础科学研究
>>> 海洋地质勘查业
>>> 海洋管理
入库时间 :  2021-05-28
浏览次数 :  10