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a white paper descring produced water from production of crude oil, nature gas,and coal bed methane[一份描述原油、天然气和煤层气生产过程中的产出水的白皮书]
报告作者 :  John A. Veil ; Markus G. Puder; Deborah Elcock; Robert J. Redweik,Jr.
出 版 者 :  John A. Veil ;Markus G. Puder; Deborah Elcock; Robert J. Redweik,Jr.
出版时间 :  2004-01-01
来源信息 :  John A. Veil ;Markus G. Puder; Deborah Elcock; Robert J. Redweik,Jr..2004-01-01,共87页。
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Produced water is water trapped in underground formations that is brought to the surface along with oil or gas. It is by far the largest volume byproduct or waste stream associated with oil and gas production. Management of produced water presents challenges and costs to operators. This white paper is intended to provide basic information on many aspects of produced water, including its constit ........

关 键 词 :  iron; rig; salinity; concentration
自动关键词 :  nature gas; 天然气; 天然气; Methane; 甲烷; iron; 铁元素
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋科学研究 >>> 海洋基础科学研究
>>> 海洋科学研究
入库时间 :  2021-05-27
浏览次数 :  14