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Current and future sea surface temperature missions: Towards 2050[当前和未来的海平面温度任务:2050年]
报告作者 :  Kim Holloway
出 版 者 :  Kim Holloway
出版时间 :  2020-01-01
来源信息 :  Kim Holloway.2020-01-01,共33页。
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Sea surface temperature (SST) is a key variable for understanding, monitoring and predicting interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere. Its influence covers a wide range of temporal (from seconds to multi-decadal) and spatial (from a few microns to ocean scale) resolutions. It has a direct or indirect impact on a wealth of application areas. The provision of daily maps of SST is now a m ........

关 键 词 :  SST; Sea surface temperature; Satellite
自动关键词 :  SST; 海温; 海平面; Sea surface temperature; 海表面温度; Satellite; 人造卫星
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入库时间 :  2021-05-27
浏览次数 :  11