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ECRA Collaborative Programme Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts (CP SLC)[ecra合作计划海平面变化和海岸影响(cp slc)]
报告作者 :  M.Bordbar; A.R.Carrasco; S.Dangendorf; I.D.Haigh; J. Hinkel; H. Haarstad; J.A.Johannessen; K.S. Madsen,R.E.M.Riva; T.Schmith; M.J.R.Simpson; A.Slangen; T.Wahl; K.Woth.
出 版 者 :  M.Bordbar; A.R.Carrasco; S.Dangendorf; I.D.Haigh;J. Hinkel; H. Haarstad; J.A.Johannessen;K.S. Madsen,R.E.M.Riva;T.Schmith;M.J.R.Simpson;A.Slangen;T.Wahl;K.Woth.
出版时间 :  2016-12-05
来源信息 :  M.Bordbar; A.R.Carrasco; S.Dangendorf; I.D.Haigh;J. Hinkel; H. Haarstad; J.A.Johannessen;K.S. Madsen,R.E.M.Riva;T.Schmith;M.J.R.Simpson;A.Slangen;T.Wahl;K.Woth..2016-12-05,共26页。
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Even though sea level rise impacts have already been identified in the literature as a critical variable for the establishment and maintenance of biotic coastal communities, as a threat to biodiversity and as being responsible for the increasing magnitude and spatial extent of storm surge flood hazard, little has been discussed regarding the dimensions of the changes to come. Therefore, more re ........

关 键 词 :  sea level; climate change; coastal; diversity
自动关键词 :  sea level; 海平面; 海平面变化; coastal; climate change; 气候变化
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋管理
>>> 海洋科学研究
>>> 海洋环境监测预报服务
>>> 海洋环境保护业
入库时间 :  2021-05-27
浏览次数 :  4