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Bathymetry from Space: White paper in support of a high-resolution, ocean altimeter mission[来自太空的测深:支持高分辨率海洋高度计任务的白皮书]
报告作者 :  David T. Sandwell; Walter H. F. Smith; Sarah Gille; Steven Jayne; Khalid Soofi; Bernard Coakley
出 版 者 :  David T. Sandwell;Walter H. F. Smith; Sarah Gille; Steven Jayne; Khalid Soofi; Bernard Coakley
出版时间 :  2001-06-28
来源信息 :  David T. Sandwell;Walter H. F. Smith; Sarah Gille; Steven Jayne; Khalid Soofi; Bernard Coakley.2001-06-28,共54页。
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Perhaps the most important ocean science observation in the last two decades was provided by the Geosat radar altimeter during its 18-month geodetic mission (1985-86). The declassification of these data in July of 1995 set off a flurry of activity in basic research, industrial research/development, and public interest (Appendix A). While these data fill a huge gap in our understanding of the oc ........

关 键 词 :  altimeter; port; 高度计; Bathymetry; rig; radar
自动关键词 :  altimeter; port; Bathymetry; 高度计; coastal; rig; waves; seamount
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋技术服务业
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入库时间 :  2021-05-27
浏览次数 :  9