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Experimental design in ocean acidification research: problems and solutions
报告作者 :  Christopher E. Cornwall1,2* and Catriona L. Hurd
出 版 者 :  信息不详。欢迎您在右侧留言补充。
出版时间 :  2016-01-01
来源信息 :  .2016-01-01,共10页。
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Oceanacidificationhasbeenidentifiedasarisktomarineecosystems,andsubstantialscientificefforthasbeenexpendedoninvestigatingitseffects, mostly in laboratory manipulation experiments. However, performing these manipulations correctly can be logistically difficult, and correctly designingexperimentsiscomplex,inpartbecauseoftherigorousrequirementsformanipulatingandmonitoringseawatercarbonatechemistry ........

关 键 词 :  ocean acidification; 海洋酸化; research; 研究; solutions; 解决方法
自动关键词 :  port; rig; carbonate; ecosystem; 巴特柔鱼; 海上机场; 渔捞产量; 海底淡水
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋科学研究
>>> 海洋环境保护业
入库时间 :  2020-06-15
浏览次数 :  9