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Centralized and Automatic Controls in Ships[船舶集成自动控制]
作者 :  D. Gray; A. J. S. Bennett
关键词 :  船舶; Centralized; Automatic Controls; Ships
自动关键词 :  船舶; 海底淡水; 巴特柔鱼; 海上机场; 海水比容; 深海网箱; 二次排放; 渔捞产量
出版时间 :  1966-01-01
出版单位 :  Elsevier Ltd
摘要 : 

Centralized and Automatic Controls in Ships is the first book published on marine control engineering. It is specifically written in clear and concise language for seagoing engineers who will find the text a pleasure to read. Although the approach is non-mathematical this work is far more than an introduction since it covers pneumatic, electrical and 场draulic methods of control including the various types of control action. Sections on logic units and data processing equipment have been included. The later chapters illustrate how control techniques may be applied to the major areas of the modern ship's machinery. The author treats the subject in breadth, embracing ship systems, ship construction and the commissioning routine for certain auto- mated plant. This together with profuse detail should make selected chapters a suitable basis for course syllabuses at more than one level. This book will be helpful to all marine engineers and essential to the younger generation.

页码 :  251
价格 : 
ISBN :  978-1-4832-1355-2
全文文种 :  英文
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所属领域 :  >>> 海洋交通运输业
>>> 海洋船舶工业
入库时间 :  2019-12-19
浏览次数 :  10