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Maritime Electrical Installations and Diesel Eectric Propulsion[海上电气装置和柴油机推进]
作者 :  Adnanes A.K.
关键词 :  port; hydrodynamic; 柴油机; navigation; iron
自动关键词 :  柴油机; hydrodynamic; 流体力学; navigation; 000001航行; port; 港口
出版时间 :  0000-00-00
摘要 : 

The objective of the present book is to give and introduction to electro-technology in general putting special emphasis on installations for electric propulsion. It is intended to give engineers with marine background and competence the necessary understanding of the most important electro-technical subjects used in configuration and design of ships with electric propulsion.Electrical installations are present in any ship, from powering of communication and navigation equipment, alarm and monitoring system, running of motors for pumps, fans or winches, to high power installation for electric propulsion.
Electric propulsion is an emerging area where various competence areas meet. Successful solutions for vessels with electric propulsion are found in environments where naval architects, hydrodynamic and propulsion engineers, and electrical engineering expertise cooperate under constructional, operational, and economical considerations. Optimized design and compromises

页码 :  86
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全文文种 :  英文
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所属领域 :  >>> 海洋科学研究 >>> 海洋基础科学研究
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入库时间 :  2019-12-15
浏览次数 :  9