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The Natural and Societal Challenges of the Northern Sea Route: A Reference Work
作者 :  Lawson W. Brigham; Douglas Brubaker; Edgar Gold; Alexander G. Granberg; Vladimir D. Grishchenko; Johnny-Leo L. Jernsletten; Kazuhiko Kamesaki; Anatoly L. Kolodkin; Kjell A. Moe; Willy Østreng; Gennady N. Semanov; Michael Tamvakis; Willy Østreng
关键词 :  Arctic Ocean; navigation; iron
自动关键词 :  Arctic Ocean; 北冰洋; navigation; 000001航行; iron; 铁元素; 海上机场
出版时间 :  1999-01-01
出版单位 :  Springer Netherlands
摘要 : 

Yohei Sasakawa The Northern Sea Route is the shortest shipping route connecting the Far East and Europe. However, the route has been practically inaccessible to commercial vessels, due to the harsh natural conditions in the area, which make navigation possible for only a small part of the year, and then only with an icebreaker leading the way. Opening the Northern Sea Route would greatly facilitate international shipping, making two routes - a northbound one through the NSR, and a southbound one through Suez- available throughout all seasons. The Northern Sea Route would also help to boost economic development, including the exploitation of natural resources in Russian regions along the coast of the Arctic Ocean. Thanks to international cooperation, we have been able to set up and successfully conclude a special project to investigate the possibilities of developing the Northern Sea Route as a commercial route, while protecting the environment, wildlife and peoples of the Arctic Ocean region. This represents a highly significant step in terms of future global development.

页码 :  466
价格 : 
ISBN :  9789048153763
全文文种 :  英文
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入库时间 :  2019-03-12
浏览次数 :  9