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Air purifying device for livestock and poultry house, has breeding tank whose inner portion is equipped with light source, and circulating pump whose left side is connected with heating system provided with heating source.
专 利 号 :  CN203407307-U
发 明 人 :  CHANG G; TIAN G; TIAN Y
关 键 词 :  ROV; 无人有缆水下机器人
公 开 日 :  2014-01-29
国际分类 :  A01G-031/00; A01G-033/00; A01K-001/00
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新颖性:The utility model claims upper air purifying device, specifically one for livestock and poultry house air purifying device, which is to provide one for livestock and poultry house air purifying device by using the small ball algae absorbing carbon dioxide in the livestock and poultry house, taking the photosynthesis, and releasing the oxygen, solves the problem that the livestoc ........

语种 :  中简
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋交通运输业
>>> 海洋科学研究 >>> 海洋基础科学研究 >>> 海洋自然科学研究
>>> 海洋环境保护业
入库时间 :  2016-10-17
浏览次数 :  6