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Apparatus for capturing buoyancy and gravity energy to generate AC electrical power from combination of gravity and inherent buoyancy forces, has rotational transmission unit mounted on bearings at far end of main lever arm assembly.
专 利 号 :  US2014044490-A1
发 明 人 :  DAYA A A
专利权人 :  DAYA A A (DAYA-Individual)
关 键 词 :  ROV; 无人有缆水下机器人
公 开 日 :  2014-02-13
国际分类 :  E02D-029/00
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新颖性:The apparatus has a rotational energy connecting element provided as a conveyer for mass weight. A first rotational transmission unit mounted on a main lever arm assembly (7) is rotated by an involute rotational transmission unit. A second rotational transmission unit is mounted on roller bearings at far end of the main lever arm assembly such that the second rotational transmis ........

语种 :  英文
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋交通运输业
入库时间 :  2016-10-17
浏览次数 :  1