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Main engine i.e. diesel engine, shaft drive electric power generation electrically-driven apparatus and propulsion apparatus for driving propeller of oceanographic ship, has setter starting speed control of modifier from initial value.
专 利 号 :  JP5419028-B1;JP2014036496-A
发 明 人 :  KOGA M
专利权人 :  NISHISHIBA DENKI KK (NISH-Non-standard)
关 键 词 :  Propeller
公 开 日 :  2014-02-19
国际分类 :  B63H-021/12; B63H-021/17; B63H-023/30; B63J-003/02; H02P-009/04
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新颖性:The apparatus has a phase control circuit (15-9) calculating thyristor firing angle of an electric power converter (100). Output of a rotation speed control circuit (15-1) is substituted as an initial value to an integrating element of another rotation speed control circuit (15-2) when switching a control apparatus (15) from an object for axial electric power generation to elect ........

语种 :  日文
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋信息总论
入库时间 :  2016-10-17
浏览次数 :  1