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James B. Edson
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
专业/特长 :  Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering
自动关键词 :  waves; 波浪; modeling; 建模; 海洋产品; 旅游产业

 Research Interests
Instrumentation and techniques to compute atmospheric fluxes within the marine boundary layer; systems to correct for motion contamination; modeling the influence of sea-spray on the surface layer energy budget; parameterization of fluxes; influence of waves on near surface flow; momentum and energy exchange across the coupled boundary layers; direct measurements ........

职称/职务 :  Adjunct Scientist
学历学位 :  博士学位
母语语种 :  英文
所属单位 :  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
所属地域 :  → 北美洲 → 美国
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋科学研究
浏览次数 :  18