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Keenan R. Ball
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
专业/特长 :  Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering
自动关键词 :  UUV; 无人水下航行器; acoustics; 声学; 侧推装置; 船用雷达

 Research Interests
Keenan Ball holds a BS from Wentworth Institute of Technology in Electromechanical Engineering and an MS from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in Electrical Engineering which he received in 2000 and 2002 respectively. He is currently a Research Engineer at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution where he has worked on projects related to underwater acou ........

职称/职务 :  Senior Engineer
学历学位 :  硕士学位
母语语种 :  英文
所属单位 :  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
所属地域 :  → 北美洲 → 美国
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋科学研究
浏览次数 :  65