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Automatic monitoring instrument for monitoring original position of environment water structure for power supply device, has pull wire that is passed into through-hole of symmetrical reciprocating power unit support plate.
专 利 号 :  CN203239504-U
发 明 人 :  GUO Q; HU H; HU J; LIANG Y; XU C
关 键 词 :  ROV; 无人有缆水下机器人
公 开 日 :  2013-10-16
国际分类 :  F03B-013/14; F03D-009/02; H02J-007/32; H02N-006/00
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新颖性:Wind power generator, a supporting plate close shell environment water body original position automatic monitoring instrument power supply device is composed of underwater hemispherical shell and the upper part of the cylindrical housing and a transparent shell is formed in the middle of the cylinder section upper part of the supporting plate is provided with a solar energy elec ........

语种 :  中简
所属领域 :  >>> 海洋地质勘查业 >>> 海洋基础地质勘查
入库时间 :  2014-05-21
浏览次数 :  7