邹志辉 邹志辉(Zhihui Zou), 男,1981年生,山东省龙口市人。 博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师 联系地址:中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院, 山东省青岛市崂山区松岭路238号,邮编266100 电子邮箱:zouzhihui@ouc.edu.cn 一、学习经历(Education): 2004.06,学士学位(BS),物理学,中国地质大学(武汉),中国武汉 2004.06,第二学士学位(BS),华中科技大学,光信息科学与工程,中国武汉 2007.06,硕士学位(MS),固体地球物理学,中国地质大学(武汉),中国武汉 2012.08,博士学位(PhD),地球物理学,Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX,美国 二、工作经历(Professional experience): 2012.09 - 2013.08,Texas Tech University,博士后/讲师,Lubbock, TX,美国 2013.09 - 2014.05,Texas Tech University,访问助理教授,Lubbock, TX,美国 2014.06 -至今,中国海洋大学,副教授 2017.03 -至今,海底科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室,主任助理 2017.07 -至今,中国海洋大学,地球探测与信息技术系主任 三、科研兴趣(Research interests): 地震层析成像,被动地震成像,地震数据采集,复杂介质地震波正演模拟等。 Seismic tomography, Passive seismic imaging, Seismic acquisition, seismic forward modeling. 四、科研项目(Projects): 1.国家自然科学基金重点项目(40730317),长江三峡地区壳幔三维结构与地震活动性研究(2008.01-2011.12),参加。 2.国家自然科学基金重点项目(41230318),海底顶层电火花源立体探测系统及其成像基础研究(2013.01-2017.12),参加。 3.山东省自然科学基金面上项目,郯庐断裂带安丘-莒县段及周缘地区地壳精细结构研究(2014.12-2017.12),主持。 4.中石化物探院横向课题两项(2014、2015),主持。 5.教育部留学归国人员科研启动项目,上地壳远震成像关键技术研究(2015.06),主持。 6.中国博士后基金,沂沭断裂带地壳速度结构的远震多尺度变形层析成像研究(2015.11-2017.09),主持。 7.青岛市博士后应用项目(2016.03-2017.09),主持。 五、教学经历(Teaching) 1.石油地质学(美国Texas Tech University,本科生,2013,2014) 2.地震勘探原理(美国Texas Tech University,高年级本科/研究生,2013) 3.地震速度建模(中国海洋大学,研究生,2015至今) 4.Matlab应用(中国海洋大学,本科生,2015至今) 5.近现代物理基础(中国海洋大学,本科生,2016至今) 6.地球物理反演基础(中国海洋大学,本科生,预计2018秋季) 六、学术兼职(Affiliation) _Oslash;美国地球物理学会(AGU),会员 _Oslash;美国勘探地球物理学家学会(SEG),会员 _Oslash;欧洲地质学家与工程师学会(EAGE),会员 _Oslash;SPG/SEG Beijing 2016 International Geophysical Conference, Section 11 Chair _Oslash;《Journal of Earth Science》、《Geological Journal》、《Journal of Geophysics and Engineering》、《Journal of Ocean University of China》、《地球物理学报》、《中国海洋大学学报》、《石油地球物理勘探》、《地球科学》、《石油物探》、SEG Annual Meeting、SPG/SEG Beijing 2016 International Geophysical Conference等期刊和会议审稿专家。 七、期刊及会议论文((s)学生students;*通讯作者corresponding author) 在Earth-Science Reviews, Geophysical Journal International、Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America、Seismological Research Letters、Geological Journal、地球物理学报等地球物理和地质领域重要期刊上发表论文22篇,其中第一或通讯作者14篇。发表SEG,CPS/SEG,SPG/SEG等重要专业会议扩展摘要21篇,其它会议(AGU,中国地球科学联合学术年会等)摘要20余篇。 (一)部分已发表和录用的期刊文章(Selected papers): 1.Zou, Zhihuiand Wenhui Yu, 2006. Wave field forward modeling and theoretical analysis of weaken in discrete media,Applied Geophysics, 3(2): 75-81. 2.Liu, Hui, Hua-Wei Zhou, Wenge Liu, Peiming Li,Zhihui Zou, 2010. Tomographic velocity model building of the near surface with velocity-inversion interfaces: A test using the Yilmaz model,Geophysics, 75, U39-U47.(SCI, EI) 3.Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou and Wulin Liao, 2011. Crustal and upper-mantle seismic reflectors beneath the Three Gorges Reservoir region,Journal of Earth Science, 22 (2): 205-213.(SCI) 4.Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou and Harold Gurrola, 2014. Reverse-time imaging of a doublet of microearthquakes in the Three Gorges Reservoir region,Geophysical Journal International,196 (3): 1858-1868. doi:10.1093/gji/ ggt499.(SCI, EI) 5.Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou and Harold Gurrola, 2014.Teleseismic virtual- source imaging of the basin structures in the Three Gorges region, China,Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 104(4), 2142-2147. doi:10.1785/0120130110.(SCI, EI) 6.Gurrola, Harold,Zhihui Zou, and Nick Talavera, 2015. Using a Three-Component Distributed Array of Mixed, Horizontal, and Vertical Single-Component Seismometers to Produce a Receiver Function from a Short Deployment,Seismological Research Letters. 86(1), 158-164.(SCI, EI) 7.邹志辉,张建中等,2015.三峡地区上地壳结构的远震虚震源反射地震成像.地球物理学报, 58(2): 411-423. doi: 10.6038/cjg20150206(SCI) 8.Bian, Aifei,Zhihui Zou, Hua-Wei Zhou, Jin Zhang, 2015. Evaluation of Multi-Scale Full Waveform Inversion with Marine Vertical Cable Data,Journal of Earth Science, 26(4), 481_ndash;486. DOI: 10.1007/s12583-015-0566-3.(SCI) 9.Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou, Aifei Bian, Jianzhong Zhang, and Lei Xing, 2015. An evaluation of reverse-time imaging of clustering earthquakes,Journal of Earth Science, 26(4), 548_ndash;555. DOI: 10.1007/s12583-015-0563-6.(SCI) 10.Zou, Zhihui, Kai Liu, Weina Zhao(s), Huaishan Liu, Hua-Wei Zhou,Xiangjun Meng, Yang Li, Harold Gurrola, 2016. Upper crustal structure beneath the northern South Yellow Sea revealed by wide-angle seismic tomography and joint interpretation of geophysical data,Geological Journal,51(S1), 108-122. doi: 10.1002/gj.2847.(SCI) 11.邹志辉,张翊孟,卞爱飞,倪宇东,李培明等,2016.常规检波器数据低频的评价与恢复及在地震成像中的应用,石油地球物理勘探,51 (5): 841 - 849。(EI) 12.林凡生(s),邹志辉*,2017.基于波形相似性的远震初至拾取方法的进展与对比研究,地球物理学进展,32(4),1597-1606。(核心) 13.芮拥军,邹志辉*,王胜阁,尚新民,张一鸣(s),马锐(s),2017.基于高低频联测的常规检波器数据低频振幅和相位同时恢复方法,石油地球物理勘探,52(4): 631-643.(EI) 14.马锐(s),邹志辉*,芮拥军,贾东顺,2018.基于PML和海绵吸收边界的伪谱法弹性波模拟复合吸收边界,石油物探, 57(1): 94-103。(核心) 15.Zhou, Hua-Wei, Hao Hu,Zhihui Zou*, Yukai Wo, and Oong Youn, 2018. Reverse time migration: A prospect of seismic imaging methodology,Earth-Science Reviews, 179, 207-227. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.02.008.(SCI) 16.Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou, Aifei Bian, Harold Gurrola, Zhonglai Huang, Jianzhong Zhang, 2018. Impact and solutions of seawater heterogeneity on wide-angle tomographic inversion of crustal velocities in deep marine environments _mdash; numerical studies,Journal of Earth Science, (in press) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-017-0816-7.(SCI源刊) 17.赵维娜,张训华,邹志辉,吴志强,郝天珧,郑彦鹏,刘凯. 2018.基于OBS数据的南黄海沉积地层速度结构特征.地球物理学报,(已录用).(SCI源刊) 18.宋龙龙(s),邹志辉*,黄忠来,2018.基于相邻虚拟道叠加的超虚折射干涉法及其在广角OBS折射波增强中的应用,地球物理学报,(已录用).(SCI源刊) (二)已投稿和准备发表的期刊论文(Paper under preparation or review): 1.邹志辉,林凡生(s),孙文亮(s),2017.郯庐断裂带安丘-莒县段精细地壳速度结构,(准备中) 2.Zhou, Hua-Wei _amp;Zhihui Zou, 2017. Low likelihood of great earthquakes in Huangling Dome, site of the Three Gorges Dam, China. (in preparation) (三)部分经审稿的会议论文(Selected Peer-reviewed Expanded Abstracts): 1.Zou, Zhihuiand Wenhui Yu,2008. Research on the relation between pressure and damage factor of cracked media. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 549-553.https://doi.org/10.1190/1.3063713. (SEG Annual meeting, Las Vegas) 2.Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou, Fan Jiang, and Hui Liu, 2009. The role of acquisition geometry and components for imaging microseismicity, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 162-166.https://doi.org/10.1190/1.3255162. (SEG Annual meeting, Houston) 3.Zou, Zhihui, Hua-Wei Zhou, Fan Jiang, and Hui Liu, 2010. Assessing the reliability of low frequencies in geophone records, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 121-126.https://doi.org/10.1190/1.3513064. (SEG Annual meeting, Denver) 4.Zou, Zhihuiand Hua-Wei Zhou, 2011. Reverse time imaging of small earthquakes using 2D array data in Three Gorges Reservoir region, China, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1674-1678.https://doi.org/10.1190/ 1.3627525. (SEG Annual meeting, San Antonio) 5.Zhang, Yimeng,Zhihui Zouand Hua-Wei Zhou, 2012. Estimating and recovering the low-frequency signals in geophone data, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1-5.https://doi.org/10.1190/segam2012-1178.1. (SEG Annual meeting, Las Vegas) 6.Zou, Zhihuiand Hua-Wei Zhou, 2013. Identifying seismic source types using reverse time imaging. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts: 2178-2182.https://doi.org/10.1190/segam2013-0710.1. (SEG Annual meeting, Houston) 7.Zou, Zhihui,Hua-Wei Zhou, Yimeng Zhang, Dongshun Jia, XinWei Huang, and Luchen Li, 2014.Virtual-source imaging of basin structures using low-frequency teleseimsic data, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2368-2372.https://doi.org/10.1190/segam2014-1235.1. (SEG Annual meeting, Denver) 8.Zou, Zhihui, Yongjun Rui, Shengge Wang, and Xinmin Shang, 2016. Simultaneous recovery of the low-frequency amplitude and phase of geophone data. SPG/SEG 2016 International Geophysical Conference, Beijing, China, 20-22 April 2016: 462-464.https://doi.org/10.1190/IGCBeijing2016-137. 9.林凡生(s),邹志辉*. 2016.基于STA/LTA与多道互相关结合的地震波初至自动拾取方法.国家安全地球物理丛书(12)_mdash;_mdash;地球物理与信息感知,74 - 80. 10.马锐(s),邹志辉*,2017.伪谱法弹性波模拟的复合吸收边界条件,中国石油学会2017年物探技术研讨会论文集,1052-1055. 11.宋龙龙(s),邹志辉*,马锐(s),2017.基于超级虚折射干涉法的广角OBS数据初至增强及其改进策略,中国石油学会2017年物探技术研讨会,1004-1007. 12.Sun, Wenliang(s),Zhihui Zou*, Yongjun Rui, Shengtian Zhao, Qinghui Cui, 2018. Wide-angle seismic tomographic inversion of deep layer velocity structure based on layer stripping and interface smoothing strategies, CPS/SEG Beijing 2018 International Geophysical Conference and Exposition, 24-27 April 2018. 地震层析成像;被动地震成像;地震数据采集;复杂介质地震波正演模拟 [海洋信息资源服务平台] → 中国 → 山东 → 青岛 海洋地质勘查业; 中国海洋大学 博士学位 2018-09-30 00:55:15