Blaine Pfeifer 个人简介: Blaine Pfeifer:中国海洋大学_ldquo;绿卡工程_rdquo;教授。1997年毕业于美国科罗拉多州立大学,获得化学工程学士学位,2002年获得斯坦福大学化学工程专业博士学位。曾于2004-2011年在塔夫斯大学担任助理教授。现于纽约州立大学生物化学工程系任终身教授。担任Metabolic Engineering,Molecular Pharmaceutics等杂志的编委成员,Science, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Nature Communication等六十余种杂志以及美国国家科学基金(NSF)、美国国立卫生研究院基金(NIH)的审稿和评审工作。自2017年9月起兼任中国海洋大学_ldquo;绿卡工程_rdquo;教授。 研究内容: 多年来从事天然活性分子的发现、开发利用和生物合成研究,涉及的研究方向主要包括:天然产物药用分子的异源生物合成;微生物生物合成代谢调控;药物分子的靶向运输、释放以及新型生物复合疫苗的开发。 研究成果: 1.首次实现了天然抗生素红霉素分子在大肠杆菌内的全生物合成,奠定了I型聚酮类天然药物分子异源生物合成领域的研究基础。相关成果发表在Science杂志(Science,2001,1790)及其子刊(Sci.Adv.,2015,e1500077)上发表。 2.设计和开发出基于大肠杆菌阳离子聚合物纳米材料的新型药物载体,以及钴卟啉磷脂双层分子复合纳米胶囊的智能疫苗,在抗肿瘤、抗感染药物靶向运输和释放领域具有巨大的应用前景(PNAS, 2014, 12360; PNAS, 2016, 6898; Science Advances, 2016, e1600264)。 代表性论文: 1.B.A. Pfeifer, S.J.Admiraal, H. Gramajo, D.E. Cane, C. Khosla. _lsquo;Biosynthesis of ComplexPolyketides in a Metabolically Engineered Strain ofE. coli_rsquo;Science291: 1790-2 (2001). 2.B.A. Pfeifer, C. Khosla. _lsquo;Biosynthesis of Polyketides in Heterologous Hosts_rsquo;Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews65(1): 106-18 (2001). 3.B. Pfeifer, Z. Hu, P. Licari, C. Khosla._lsquo;Process and Metabolic Strategies for Improved Production ofE. coli-Derived 6-Deoxyerythronolide B_rsquo;Applied and Environmental Microbiology68(7): 3287-92 (2002). 4.B.A. Pfeifer, C.C. Wang, C.T. Walsh, C. Khosla._lsquo;Biosynthesis of Yersiniabactin, a Complex Polyketide/Nonribosomal Peptide, UsingEscherichia colias a Heterologous Host_rsquo;Applied and Environmental Microbiology69(11): 6698-702 (2003). 5.B.A. Pfeifer, J.A. Burdick, R. Langer._lsquo;Formulation and Surface Modification of Poly(ester-anhydride) Microand Nanospheres_rsquo;Biomaterials26(2):117-24 (2005). 6.Y. Wang,B. Boghigian,B.A. Pfeifer._lsquo;Improving Heterologous Polyketide Production inEscherichia coliby Overexpression of anS-adenosylmethionine Synthetase Gene_rsquo;Applied Microbiology _amp; Biotechnology77(2):367-73 (2007). 7.Y. Wang,B.A. Pfeifer._lsquo;6-deoxyerythronolide B Production through Chromosomal Localization of the Deoxyerythronolide B Synthase Genes inE. coli_rsquo;Metabolic Engineering. 8.H. Zhang,Y. Wang,B.A. Pfeifer._lsquo;Bacterial Hostsfor Natural Product Production_rsquo;Molecular Pharmaceutics5(2):212-25 (2008). 9.P.K. Ajikumar, W. Xiao, K.E.J. Tyo,Y. Wang, F. Simeon, E. Leonard, O. Mucha, T.H. Phon,B. Pfeifer#, G. Stephanopoulos#(#co-corresponding authors). _lsquo;Isoprenoid Pathway Optimization for Taxol Precursor Overproduction inEscherichia coli_rsquo;Science330:70-74 (2010). 10.H. Zhang,Y. Wang,J. Wu,K. Skalina,B.A. Pfeifer._lsquo;Complete Biosynthesis of Erythromycin A andDesigned Analogs UsingE. colias a Heterologous Host_rsquo;Chemistry _amp; Biology17(11):1232-40 (2010). 11.H. Zhang,B.A. Boghigian,J. Armando,B.A. Pfeifer. _lsquo;Methods and Options for the Heterologous Production of Complex Natural Products_rsquo;Natural Product Reports28(1):125-51 (2011). 12.B.A. Boghigian,D. Salas, P.K. Ajikumar, G. Stephanopoulos,B.A. Pfeifer. _lsquo;Analysis of Heterologous Taxadiene Production in K- and B-derivedEscherichia coli_rsquo;Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology93(4):1651-61 (2012). 13.M. Jiang,B.A. Pfeifer. _lsquo;Metabolic and PathwayEngineering to Influence Native and Altered Erythromycin Production throughE. coli_rsquo;Metabolic Engineering19:42-9 (2013). 14.M. Jiang,H. Zhang,S. Park,Y. Li,B.A. Pfeifer._lsquo;Deoxysugar Pathway Interchange for Erythromycin Analogues Heterologously Produced throughE. coli_rsquo;Metabolic Engineering20:92-100 (2013). 15.C.H. Jones, C.K. Chen, P. Mistriotis, Y. Yu, X. Ma,A. Ravikrishnan,M. Jiang, S. Andreadis,B.A. Pfeifer#, C. Cheng#(#co-corresponding authors). _lsquo;Poly(ethylene glycol)-block-Cationic Polylactide Nanocomplexes of Differing Charge Density for Gene Delivery_rsquo;Biomaterials34(37):9688-99 (2013). 16.K. Carter, S. Shao, M. Hoopes, D. Luo, B. Ahsan, V. Grigoryants, W. Song, H. Huang,G. Zhang, R. Pandey, J. Geng,B.A. Pfeifer, C. Scholes, J. Ortega, M. Karttunen, and J. Lovell. _lsquo;Porphyrin-Phospholipid Liposomes Permeabilized by Near Infrared Light_rsquo;Nature Communications5:3546 (2014). 17.Y. Li,B.A. Pfeifer. _lsquo;Heterologous Production of Plant-derived Isoprenoid Products in Microbes and the Application of Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology_rsquo;Current Opinion in Plant Biology19C:8-13 (2014). 18.C.H. Jones,A. Ravikrishnan,M. Chen, R. Reddinger,M.K. Ahmadi,S. Rane, A.P. Hakansson,B.A. Pfeifer. _lsquo;Hybrid Bio-synthetic Gene Therapy Vector Development and Dual Engineering Capacity_rsquo;Proc NatlAcad Sci USA111(34):12360-5 (2014). 19.C.H. Jones,M. Chen,A. Ravikrishnan, R. Reddinger,G. Zhang, A.P. Hakansson,B.A. Pfeifer._lsquo;Mannosylated Poly(beta-amino esters) for Targeted Antigen Presenting Cell Immune Modulation_rsquo;Biomaterials37C:333-344 (2015). 20.G. Zhang,Y. Li,L. Fang,B.A. Pfeifer._lsquo;Tailoring Pathway Modularity in the Biosynthesis of Erythromycin Analogs Heterologously Engineered inE. coli_rsquo;Science Advances1(4): e1500077 (2015). 21.M.K. Ahmadi,S. Fawaz,L. Fang, Z. Yu,B.A. Pfeifer._lsquo;Molecular Variation of the Nonribosomal Peptide-Polyketide Siderophore Yersiniabactin through Biosynthetic and Metabolic Engineering_rsquo;Biotechnology _amp;Bioengineering113(5):1067-74 (2016). 22.M. Beitelshees,Y. Li,B.A. Pfeifer._lsquo;Enhancing Vaccine Effectiveness with Delivery Technology_rsquo;Current Opinion in Biotechnology42:24-29 (2016). 23.Y. Li, A. Hill,M. Beitelshees, S. Shao, J.F. Lovell, B. Davidson, P. Knight III, A.P. Hakansson,B.A. Pfeifer#,C.H. Jones#(corresponding authors)._lsquo;Directed Vaccination against Pneumococcal Disease_rsquo;Proc Natl Acad Sci USA113(25):6898-903 (2016). 24.Y. Li,M. Beitelshees,L. Fang, A. Hill,M.K. Ahmadi,M. Chen, B. Davidson, P. Knight III, R.J. Smith, S.T. Andreadis, A. Hakansson,C.H. Jones#,B.A. Pfeifer#(#co-corresponding authors)._lsquo;In situ Pneumococcal Vaccine Production and Delivery through a Hybrid Vector_rsquo;Science Advances2(7):e1600264 (2016). 25.Charles H Jones, Guojian Zhang, Roozbeh Nayerhoda, Marie Beitelshees, Andrew Hill, Pooya Rostami, Yi Li, Bruce A Davidson, Paul Knight,Blaine A Pfeifer.Comprehensive vaccine design for commensal disease progression.Science Advances3(10), e1701797 (2017). 天然产物药用分子的异源生物合成;微生物生物合成代谢调控;药物分子的靶向运输;释放以及新型生物复合疫苗的开发 [海洋信息资源服务平台] → 中国 → 山东 → 青岛 海洋生物医药业;海洋药物原药制造; 中国海洋大学 博士学位 2018-09-20 18:54:55