李红岩 李红岩,女,博士,教授。 联系方式: 邮箱:hongyanli@ouc.edu.cn 电话:0532-82032092 地址:中国海洋大学鱼山校区达尔文馆301室 学习工作简历: 1993.9-1997.7烟台大学,生物化学专业,获学士学位 1997.9-2002.7中国海洋大学,海洋生物学,获博士学位 2002.7-2003.11中国海洋大学,讲师 2003.11-2007 Universit_eacute; Pierre et Marie Curie, France博士后 2007-至今 中国海洋大学,讲师/副教授/教授,2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 研究方向:发育与进化 目前的研究主要聚焦于模式动物(主要以斑马鱼为研究对象)的组织、器官形成,对体轴形成以及感觉器官(眼睛等)形成中重要基因的表达调控、功能、作用机制以及相关的信号通路进行研究。 科研项目: 1.PSCAL在视网膜感光细胞形成中的功能和作用机理研究(31572219),2016.01-2019.12国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持 2. Zfp36l2在胚胎体轴形成中的作用机理研究(31272395),2013.01-2016.12国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持 3.发育与免疫(NCET-11-0469),2012.01-2014.12,教育部新世纪人才项目,主持 4.对虾白斑综合征爆发的分子基础(2012CB114401),2012.01-2016.12,973项目,参加 近五年来发表相关文章如下(*示通讯作者): Li HY, Grifone R, Saquet A, Carron C, Shi DL. The Xenopus homologue of Down syndrome critical region protein 6 drives dorsoanterior gene expression and embryonic axis formation by antagonising polycomb group proteins. Developent. 2013, 140(24):4903-13. Wang X, Du X,Li H*, Zhang S*. Identification of the Zinc Finger Protein ZRANB2 as a Novel Maternal Lipopolysaccharide-binding Protein That Protects Embryos of Zebrafish against Gram-negative Bacterial Infections. J Biol Chem. 2016; 291(8):4019-34. Liu X, Cao X, Wang S, Ji G*, Zhang S,Li H*. Identification of Ly2 members as antimicrobial peptides from zebrafish Danio rerio. Biosci Rep. 2017; 37(1). pii: BSR20160265. Wang M, Li L, Guo Q, Zhang S, Ji D*,Li H*. Identification and expression of a new Ly6 gene cluster in zebrafish Danio rerio, with implications of being involved in embryonic immunity. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016; 54:230-40. Wang Y, Bu L, Yang L,Li H*, Zhang S*. Identification and functional characterization of fish-egg lectin in zebrafish. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2016; 52:23-30. Wang H, Liu B,Li H*, Zhang S*. Identification and biochemical characterization of polyamine oxidases in amphioxus: Implications for emergence of vertebrate-specific spermine and acetylpolyamine oxidases. Gene. 2016; 575(2 Pt 2):429-437 Guo Q, Ji D, Wang M, Zhang S,Li H*.Identification and expression of an uncharacterized Ly-6 gene cluster in zebrafish Danio rerio. Funct Integr Genomics. 2015; 15(5):577-85. Li L, Ji D, Teng L, Zhang S,Li H*. Identification and expression of lypc, a novel dark-inducible member of Ly6 superfamily in zebrafish Danio rerio. Gene. 2015, 574(1):69-75. Ji D, Li L, Zhang S,Li H*. Identification of a Ly-6 superfamily gene expressed in lateral line neuromasts in zebrafish. Dev Genes Evol. 2015, 225(1):47-53 Li HY, El Yakoubi W, Shi DL. Direct regulation of siamois by VegT is required for axis formation in Xenopus embryo. Int J Dev Biol. 2015;59(10-12):443-51. Wu J,Li H*, Zhang S*. 2012 Regulator of complement activation (RCA) group 2 gene cluster in zebrafish: identification, expression, and evolution. Functional _amp; Integrative Genomics. 2012 Ji DR., Liu P., Wang F., Zhang SC., Li H*. 2012 Identification and expression of a novel member of Ly-6 superfamily in zebrafish Denio rerio Development genes and evolution. Wang F., Yu Y., Ji DR., Li H*. The DMRT Gene Family in Amphioxus. Journal of Biomolecular Structure _amp; Dynamics 所获奖励: 文昌鱼发育、免疫和进化生物学 教育部自然科学二等奖2006第四位 模式动物(主要以斑马鱼为研究对象)的组织、器官形成 [海洋信息资源服务平台] → 中国 → 山东 → 青岛 海洋渔业;海洋科学研究; 中国海洋大学 博士学位 2018-08-23 20:07:37