柳伟 柳伟 发布时间:2018-04-17[ 阅读:3668次 | 添加:张蔚圣] 个人信息:男,博士,教授,博导,教育部新世纪优秀人才 联系方式:weiliu@ouc.edu.cn;0532-66781906 教育与工作经历 1995-2002武汉科技大,无机非金属材料专业,工学学士和硕士; 2002-2005中科院上海硅酸盐研究所,工学博士; 2005-2006德国马普协会固态物理化学所,博士后; 2006-至今中国海洋大学材,料科学与工程研究院任教; 研究方向 生物质碳基复合材料;新型储能材料与器件; 海洋功能材料制备与改性 学术成果 主要从事生物质碳基复合材料和储能材料等先进功能材料的制备与功能化应用研究,在J.Mater.Chem.A, Small, Carbon, J.Power.Sources, Chem.Commu, Chem.Eng.J, J.Hazardous.Mater等国内外期刊发表论文50余篇。担任Adv.Func.Mater. Green.Chem.,J.Mater.Chem. A, J.Power Sources, Carbon, Sci. Rep.等国际期刊审稿人。 科研项目 主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目等在内的项目9项,代表性项目如下: 1)国家自然科学基金项目:熔融水合盐中新型磷酸盐电池正极材料的设计合成、结构与电化学性能研究; 2)教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目_ldquo;新型电池正极材料的设计合成与电化学性能_rdquo;; 3)山东省重大研发计划项目:_ldquo;基于海洋藻类衍生碳制备高性能超级电容器的关键技术研究_rdquo; 4)山东省自然科学基金项目:利用海洋含钙生物质可控制备掺氮多孔炭及其储钠性能研究; 5)国家自然科学基金项目:氟化硼酸熔盐法合成白光LED用新型硼磷酸盐基质材料及其荧光调控研究; 代表性论文 Enchao Hao, Wei Liu,* Shuang Liu, Yuan Zhang, Huanlei Wang, Shougang Chen, Fengli Cheng, Shuping Zhao and Hongzhan Yang, Rich sulfur doping porous carbon materials derived from ginkgo leaves for multiple electrochemical energy storage,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 2204-2214. Fengli Cheng, Wei Liu*, Yuan Zhang, Huanlei Wang, Shuang Liu, Enchao Hao, Shuping Zhao, Hongzhan Yang,Squid inks-derived nanocarbons with unique _ldquo;shell@pearls_rdquo; structure for high performance supercapacitors,Journal of Power Sources354 (2017) 116. Jiaxin Chen, Wei Liu*, Shuang Liu, Huanlei Wang, Yuan Zhang, Shougang Chen,Marine microalgaes-derived porous ZnMn2O4/C microspheres and performance evaluation as Li-ion battery Anode by using different binders,Chemical Engineering Journal308 (2017) 1200_ndash;1208. Shuping Zhao, Wei Liu*, Shuang Liu, Yuan Zhang, Huanlei Wang, Shougang Chen, The hierarchical cobalt oxide-porous carbons composites and their high performance as an anode for lithium ion batteries enhanced by the excellent synergistic effect,Electrochimica Acta231 (2017) 511. Hongzhan Yang, Wei Liu,Yuan Zhang,Huanlei Wang, Shuang Liu, Shougang Chen, Fengli Cheng, Shuping Zhao, Enchao Hao, Biogel‐Derived Polycrystalline MnO Spheres/S‐Doped Carbon Composites with Enhanced Performance as Anode Materials for Lithium‐Ion Batteries, 6(2017)1411-1418. Rongrong Yang, Jifei Wang, Wei Liu,* Yuan Zhang, Huanlei Wang, Shuang Liu, Yaqi Guo, Shougang Chen, Squid Ink-Assisted Fabricating MoS2 Nanosheets/Ultrafine Biocarbon Spheres Composites with an Enhanced Lithium Ion Storage Performance,ChemistrySelect2017, 2, 8643. Wei Liu, Hongzhan Yang, Long Zhao, Shuang Liu*, Huanlei Wang*, Shougang Chen, Mesoporous flower-like Co3O4/C nanosheet composites and their performance evaluation as anodes for lithium ion batteries,Electrochimica Acta207 (2016) 293_ndash;300. Jifei Wang, Wei Liu*, Shuang Liu, Jiaxin Chen, Huanlei Wang, Shuping Zhao Biomass derived fabrication of a novel sea cucumber-like LiMn2O4/C composite with a hierarchical porous structure as the cathode for lithium-ion batteries,Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 188,645_ndash;652 Jifei Wang, Wei Liu*, Jiaxin Chen, Huanlei Wang, Shuang Liu, Shougang Chen, Biotemplated MnO/C microtubes from spirogyra with improved electrochemical performance for lithium-ion batterys,Electrochimica Acta, 2016, 188, 210_ndash;217. Long Zhao, Wei Liu*, Shuang Liu, Jifei Wang,Huanlei Wang*, and Jiaxin Chen, Fe3O4nanoplates/carbon network synthesized by in situ pyrolysis of an organic-inorganic layered hybrid as a high-performance lithium-ion battery anode,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2015,3(27), 14210-14216, Luyu Yang, Wei Liu,* Huanlei Wang, Shuang Liu, Jifei Wang, Jiaxin Chen,A low-cost and one-step synthesis of a novel hierarchically porous Fe3O4/C composite with exceptional porosity and superior Li+storage performance,RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 102993_ndash;102999. 新型储能材料与器件;海洋功能材料制备与改性 [海洋信息资源服务平台] → 中国 → 山东 → 青岛 海洋科学研究;涉海产品及材料制造业; 中国海洋大学 博士学位 2018-08-21 20:09:59